Finding the Joy in Your Life with Joy Resor

Tap into your imagination to create a better reality
You cannot create anything you want from life if you cannot see it as a possibility. For your dreams to manifest into reality, you must have a distinct vision to help you navigate through life.
When going through a difficult time in your life, whether it be a divorce, the passing of a loved one, a diagnosis, the loss of a job, or the divine storm, it can be somewhat challenging to think that a better life for yourself can be possible.
Joy Resor is a spiritual counselor, children’s author, and joy-bringer, who inspires love, peace, and joy on the path of those she encounters every day.
Joy lives in North Carolina, where she hula hoops in sunbeams, writes books that inspire folks to a deeper life of love and shares adventures with her partner, Michael. Joy’s inner child will share laughter with you at any moment!
Mentioned in this episode...
• Joy's new book: Designed To Shine! Read Aloud Rhymes For An Size Heart
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• Instagram: @JoyResor