April 10, 2019

Karma's Lessons are Following Me

Karma's Lessons are Following Me

Deciding how to respond

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The Audacious Life - Break Free

Karma's Lessons are Following Me with Steph Roberts

I've decided not to let perfection stop me from recording and sharing episodes. So this one starts with a brisk walk where I'm sharing my awareness of how Karma is working in my life to teach me what I need to learn. And I'm seeing patterns that are so clear it's a bit shocking.

If the walking and talking drives you nuts, just listen to the last 17 minutes where I'm inside sharing the 12 laws of Karma - yeah, there are 12! I did NOT know this when I started recording but I share each of the 12 laws and how they've impacted my life. It's all my own spin, so feel free to hit me up with an email or message if you think I'm off. I'm totally okay with that.

Have you experienced Karmic law in action?

If you want to share your thoughts you can reach me at https://www.instagram.com/audaciouslife/ on instagram.

The 12 Laws of Karma

Love, Steph xoxo

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