Sept. 16, 2021

Leaving an Abusive Husband When You have a Young Child with Kate Beesley

Leaving an Abusive Husband When You have a Young Child with Kate Beesley

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coach

I spoke with Kate Beesley about her circumstances leaving her narcissistic abusive husband. Kate is a Trauma & Narcissism informed clinical hypnotherapist, Practitioner & Coach. Highly knowledgeable in this area, I wanted to learn how she managed her experience leaving her abuser and how she protected her young daughter.


In this interview

  • Kate shares the details of her marriage to an alcoholic husband and how his addictive and controlling ways created an environment of fear. 
  • How she had to negotiate with her abuser to keep a roof over her head and create a long-term exit strategy
  • His police record of crimes and threats worked to give her and her daughter space and time away from him.
  • The setbacks on the courts due to lockdown have allowed her more time to heal with little to no contact. And her husband was restricted from seeing her legally while on bail.
  • How the lockdown amplified and exposed existing domestic abuse and control.
  • The value of inner child work in healing trauma and anxiety
  • EMDR Therapy (and Havening)
  • Her support programs and how you can connect with her.

Kate's website


Kate's Havening Technique to recover from  Anxiety and Trauma

Kate on Facebook


Kate on LinkedIn

Love, Steph xoxo

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