May 23, 2015

Lundy Bancroft - Red Flags to Look for When Dating & How to Heal, Ep 08

Lundy Bancroft - Red Flags to Look for When Dating & How to Heal, Ep 08

About the Author: Lundy Bancroft has spent the last twenty-five years of his career specializing in the tactics of abusive men and their impact on women and children. He is author of four books in the field, including Why Does He Do That?, the nation's

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The Audacious Life - Break Free

About the Author:

Lundy Bancroft has spent the last twenty-five years of his career specializing in the tactics of abusive men and their impact on women and children. He is author of four books in the field, including Why Does He Do That?,  the nation's largest-selling book on domestic abuse, When Dad Hurts Mom, and co-author of Should I Stay or Should I Go?.  He has also written over a dozen articles in professional publications. The former Co-Director of Emerge, the nation’s first program for abusive men, he is now a national trainer and public speaker for nonprofit, governmental, and judicial agencies on dealing with domestic abuse situations. Lundy leads weekend healing retreats for women who have escaped destructive relationships.

Most recent book on Amazon:
Daily Wisdom for Why Does He Do That?: Encouragement for Women Involved with Angry and Controlling Men

See all his books and resources at:

Q. What are some red flags women and girls should be aware of when dating?

Q. How can women minimize the psychological grip that their abusers have on them even after leaving?

One thing that we have noticed in the abuse support groups I’m involved in is that these men use the same tactics and some of the phrases are identical. Many have joked that it’s as if they’ve gone to a training somewhere.

Q. What are your thoughts on this (use of the same tactics)?

Q. What can mothers do to mitigate the impact of an abusive father on his children.

Love, Steph xoxo

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