Overcoming Coercive & Abusive Programming - Breaking through a Caged Mindset - Ep 103
Hello, this week I'm talking about the mental cage we have in our minds. It's that thing that stops us from being our best selves, our true selves, from honoring the voice that was once there and was slowly eroded by the programming of toxic...
Hello, this week I'm talking about the mental cage we have in our minds. It's that thing that stops us from being our best selves, our true selves, from honoring the voice that was once there and was slowly eroded by the programming of toxic relationships, specifically those where coercive control and manipulation are at play.
One consistent pattern I've seen with myself and fellow survivors of emotional, financial, mental, or sexual and physical abuse. You finally get out of one of these relationships, and you're like, oh, I'm free!
But you quickly realize you're NOT FREE because this experience built a cage in your mind through years of abuse, manipulation, and coercive control.
In this episode, I share about an interview that lit a fire within me and helped me see this pattern and a way out that can help many of us over the long term.
It's not a quick fix, and it's all about incremental change. Those 1% tweaks in our behavior trigger shifts in how we frame our lives. They're catalysts for more profound change, allowing us to create a new story and identity, breaking through the well-worn programming we may not even be aware of.
I'm speaking from the heart here, addressing many challenges in my life right now and doing my best to reframe all of it and move forward each day vs. seeing what didn't get done. We're so hard on ourselves even in a crisis, and it's destructive. But we can turn it around and create a new way of life.
- #CoerciveControl often starts small, but it's a slippery slope to losing your autonomy. Be aware of any attempts to limit your connections. #AbuseAwareness #TheAudaciousLife
- Abusers try to make you believe they're acting in your best interest, but don't be fooled. #Manipulation #MentalAbuse #TheAudaciousLife
- Coercive control is a common tactic in emotionally and mentally abusive relationships. Stay vigilant. #DomesticViolence #MindControl #TheAudaciousLife
- The more control an abuser has, the more abuse they're able to inflict. Don't let it get to that point. #NoMoreAbuse #TakeControl #TheAudaciousLife
- Leaving an abusive relationship is just the first step in the healing process. Surround yourself with love and support. #SurvivorSupport #BreakTheCycle #TheAudaciousLife
- The negative mindset formed through abuse can take time to heal, but with patience and self-care, you can reclaim your power. #HealingJourney #Empowerment #TheAudaciousLife
- Surrounding yourself with positive, supportive people can help protect against isolation and prevent further abuse. #PositiveSupport #NoMoreIsolation #TheAudaciousLife
- Abusers often try to turn positive relationships into negative ones. Don't let them have that power. #ProtectYourBoundaries #HealthyRelationships #TheAudaciousLife
- It's important to recognize the agenda behind attempts to isolate you. Don't let someone control your habits. #AwarenessIsKey #TakeBackControl #TheAudaciousLife
- Don't let someone erode your positive relationships and control your habits. Stay strong and believe in yourself. #StayStrong #SelfBelief. #TheAudaciousLife
Mentioned in this episode
Atomic Habits by James Cleary (the book on Amazon)
Atomic Habits by James Cleary (the book on Audible)
Ed Mylett's interview with James Cleary (on YouTube)
Read Coercive control: Harms to children | Coercive control in children's and mother's lives | Oxford Academic
Domestic Violence Hotline in the US
SMS: Text START to 88788
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Sending lots of Love and peace your way!! Thanks for listening!!
Steph xoxo!!