Power of Forgiveness - Releasing Dark Energy to Heal

Releasing negative thoughts, anger, and bitterness to heal faster

Power of Forgiveness - Releasing Dark Energy to Heal
Releasing negative thoughts, anger, and bitterness to heal faster
I was compelled to share this message today ahead of the interviews I have scheduled. It was a powerful tap on the shoulder from God, the Universe, higher power, whatever name you have for that force. It began by listening to a video on youTube.
I dropped everything to share this one because I believe it's the key to moving forward and breaking cycles of dysfunction and abuse.
It's far too easy to stay in rumination mode trying to make sense of why things are the way they are or why they have unfolded as they have. But when we do this we're keeping ourselves stuck in the same gear, the same wavelength, planted there feeding the negative energy, and it's like waving a flag asking for more of the same. No bueno!!
If we want to move out of this negative space and free ourselves from the muck, we can release the anger, the bitterness, and all sense of victim thinking and trade it for more positive thoughts that are on the other side of the spectrum.
Focus on allowing forgiveness and gratitude to well up. Search for things to be grateful for, things of any size. Start super small if it's easier. A smile from a stranger, a positive interaction with customer service that could've been difficult.
All these tiny choices to focus on and recognized the positive add up to fuel our hope, faith, and optimism and result in more Love, joy, and bring us out of a dark place and into light.
Mentioned in this episode...
See the original video by Aluna Ash that inspired this episode. It might be a little much for some of you. If it's too odd, or doesn't resonate, you can just skip it. But it's an excellent explanation about karmic entanglements, how to get out by using opposing forces. So if you're open to it, please do listen. You may have to hear it multiple times from the starting point of 12:10 until 21:00 - after that may be confusing.
Aluna Ash on YouTube
(go to 12:10 until 21:00)
An affirmation to repeat and lock into this oppositional mindset:
(God) Help me to release this anger and dissolve it with Love and forgiveness so we can all heal.
Sending Love and Support your way!
Steph xoxo!! :-)
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