Dec. 22, 2023

Unwrapping the Gift of Lundy Bancroft: Emotional Healing Ideas for the Holidays

Unwrapping the Gift of Lundy Bancroft: Emotional Healing Ideas for the Holidays
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The Audacious Life - Break Free

How to get more of Lundy Bancroft? That's one of the most common questions I get. People often ask where Lundy Bancroft is and they want more access to his work. Lundy has a program called the Peak Living Network (PLN) that helps with emotional...

More Lundy Bancroft - Lundy with a Christmas Gift

How to get more of Lundy Bancroft? That's one of the most common questions I get. People often ask where Lundy Bancroft is and they want more access to his work.

Lundy has a program called the Peak Living Network (PLN) that helps with emotional healing and recovery. 

And as a gesture of support through this holiday season and into the New Year, I want to share some of the best places to find Lundy and possibly be trained by Lundy in his Peak Living Network for emotional healing. 

I was in his PLN program and found it incredibly beneficial.

If you join now you may be approved and able to start learning ways to connect with others in a safe way, virtually and in-person.

Peak Living Network (PLN) -
- Based on Lundy's book "The Joyous Recovery."
- Involves co-counseling sessions in groups or pairs to share and process emotions.
- Not a substitute for therapy but can be a helpful adjunct.
- An option if you can't afford therapy or are waiting to access it.
- Requires some training first before joining the network.
- International network with an online option.

Other Ways to Connect with Lundy
- has his books, articles, resources lists etc.
- Active Facebook page with over 23k followers.
  / lundybancroft  
- Mentions upcoming events, podcast interviews etc.
- has resources on abusive relationships.

 - Consider joining Peak Living Network for more direct contact with Lundy.
- Check his website and Facebook page for updates.
- Provide suggestions for other content from Lundy eg podcast, YouTube channel.

Check out my FREE video Lesson and get the pitch sheet.

Check out The Audacious Mamas Podcast website and blog

Check out The Audacious Life Podcast website and blog

Learn more at

Love, Steph xoxo