If you're here you want to understand how to leverage podcasting for business. What are the specific benefits of podcasting for moms in business? And what's the difference between starting a podcast and deciding to hit the podcast circuit as a guest?

In brief, the difference is between working smarter vs. harder. As a two-time podcast host over the last eight years, I can attest to how much time it can take to produce and promote even the most straightforward podcast. Give yourself lots of time to learn, plan, arrange interviews, interview or record, and then edit, upload, write show notes, create graphics, and promote it on social. ") I'd say 8 hours minimum a week, especially if you're starting.

Here I share WHY being a PODCAST GUEST can give you all those hours back and amplify your authority SEO (search engine optimization) while putting you in the spotlight with a trusted host with loyal followers. Think WARM LEADS for whatever it is you offer. And the podcast host promotes YOU and your episode to their list and across their social media.

So all you have to do is re-share, and re-post to gain more credibility and authority. Not to mention how you can leverage the interview to find sound bytes, quotable quotes, and some superb moments that can be shared as tik-toks, reels, stories, linkedIn videos, etc.

Check out this video to learn more!

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