Dec. 15, 2017

Welcome to Season 2 of The Audacious Life

Welcome to Season 2 of The Audacious Life

Get the inside scoop on what's coming up in season 2 and caught up on what happened over the hiatus

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The Audacious Life - Break Free

Welcome Back! I still can't believe the podcast has been on hiatus for nearly a year. In this episode, I explain why I took a break, how things are going for me on my healing journey -- there are a few things that may surprise you! -- and what's coming up for Season 2 of the podcast.

There's a lot brewing in the United States right now related to power and abuse. And I'm encouraged by the courageous women who've stepped forward, stood their ground, and shined a spotlight on this problem.

I plan to cover that topic which effects my life, my past, and it's even a thread in my mother's journey. She has since passed, but I remember her battle well. So much so that the actions that have been taken to penalize the accused have been affirming and healing for me.

In Season 2 of The Audacious Life, I'll have new guest experts, returning survivors who are more candid than ever, and new survivors sharing their stories to help heal others, and I hope that they'll experience a catharsis by releasing the pent up fear, guilt, and shame.

My year off has given me much more perspective, and I see that my mission as a mom in business supporting other mompreneurs dovetails nicely with helping women who are contemplating leaving an abusive or toxic relationship.

Everyone talks about the importance of "having a plan," and the financial element is key to your successful survival on the other side. I'll be putting together experts and programs specifically focused on helping you create more income in your life through the creation of a side hustle or amping up your current situation at work.

If a side hustle or business idea has you up at night or excited during your commute and you see your life has far more potential than anyone around you ever imagined, than I invite you to join my closed Facebook group for Audacious Mamas Thriving in Business. There you'll connect with other women on your path and you'll learn tips to help promote your business, product, or services in a safe environment that's high vibe and full of warmth and genuine support.

Links mentioned in this episode...

The Audacious Life Website

The Domestic Violence Hotline aka The Hotline

The Audacious Mamas Facebook Group

The Audacious Mamas podcast




Love, Steph xoxo