Author to be, Chance Thomas shares her 10 year long relationship with her ex-husband, a sociopath. Her book about her experience will be coming out this fall. She’s a blogger and video artist as well. Here’s what we covered in this interview… What her situation was like at home living…
Becca is devoted to strengthening families through helping couples develop safe and secure marital bonds and helping other therapists learn more effective couple’s therapy. In this interview Becca discusses finding what you need in a healthy relationship and how to move beyond abusive relationships. She touches on abuse and how…
Lundy Bancroft discusses How to Spot Red Flags When Dating. Lundy Bancroft has spent the last twenty-five years of his career specializing in the tactics of abusive men and their impact on women and children. He is author of four books in the field, including Why Does He Do That?,…
Liz Diaz shares her story of growing up in an abusive home, how it affected her life choices and how she managed to get out of two abusive relationships and finally put an end to the cycle of abuse. Her new life of peace and ever growing prosperity as an…
Jane Fredrickson, single mom looking for a new relationship, thought she found her prince charming on an online dating site. In time he turned into Prince Harming and it took friends and family and a final wake up call for Jane to see things for what they were and remove…
Amy is trained as a collaborative attorney and mediator, and is deeply committed to helping clients resolve their family law disputes mindfully, creatively and with minimal court involvement. Here Amy shares why you may want to consider mediation over traditional legal representation for privacy, long-term financial savings, mental health, child-friendly…
Info on Emotional Abuse via the podcast and live streaming videos: Verbal abuse expert Patricia Evans explains what verbal abuse is, the dynamics of the verbally abusive relationship, why the abuser is treats his target the way he/she does and protective tactics for victims. - Welcome new listeners and viewers. The Audacious Life helps women (and men) who are in abusive and controlling relationships find solace through testimonies of other women who have broken free, interviews with experts and authors on the psychological effects of abuse and control, and helpful legal, financial, custodial…
Info on Emotional Abuse via the podcast and live streaming videos: Subscribe to The Audacious Life on iTunes: Abuse Expert Lundy Bancroft on Red Flags of Abuse, Habits of the Abuser, and How to Heal Lundy Bancroft has spent the last twenty-five years of his career specializing in…